Spotify Album Collage Generator

Youtube Playlist Backup

Link to website coming soon...

Social Media Comment Splitter

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F4F Checker

The main use case is checking if average people you followed through a "follow for follow" agreement are following you back. 

In other words, this shows you people you're following that aren't following you back. For most people this might mean seeing a lot of verified or influencer-like accounts. For profiles that are a lot more private and personal and only follow people that they know, this might mean seeing very useful information about who in their life has unfollowed them.

Done using a webdriver and selenium.

Waiting on that Instagram API.

GitHub repo


Parking on the University of Kentucky's campus is very complicated and hard for students to remember and follow which leads to a lot of anger and frustration. Two other students and I created this application to tell people where they can park for free so that students will get less tickets and be happier. Our parking app is custom to UK and its permits, hours, lots, streets, and garages.

We created this app during the Fall 2018 semester for CS 485G.

Before taking this class I was working on a traditional art sharing app that was similar to the Instagram UI (I went through a phase of not appreciating digital art). I learned a lot about creating the UI programmatically in iOS using Swift instead of using the storyboard, which resulted in faster development, especially because my computer slowed down significantly at the time when using the storyboard. I also learned about iOS development in general in addition to Firebase and other tools. I did not publish the app but I passed my experience on to my team and I believe this helped foster a team culture of knowledge sharing and teamwork.

Breaking Ground

I worked with a group on the Breaking Ground GIS responsive web application to gather and show data on a map representing individuals experiencing street homelessness to help locate and assist them in the future.

We coordinated with the Breaking Ground team to specify their vision for the app.

We used the following frameworks, APIs, and technology:

UK CS News Story / Press

Others projects